Visiting Family Without Getting Completely Devastated

Many of us feel anxiety as the holidays approach.

Instead of just being in the anxiety spin, try this exercise:

  1. In the days and weeks leading up to that family visit, really pay attention to the beauty and abundance of this life that you have cultivated for your self.⁣

  2. Open your eyes and open your heart when you are here, now, with your family of choice, and your community of choice. Take in the energy, the support, the love.⁣

  3. Let it cushion your heart.⁣

That way, when you are with family, even though the triggers will happen, the impact will be a lot less strenuous to your nervous system.

Because you will have the energy that you “stored away” to prevent a total crash. This energy will cushion the fall and serve to keep you grounded in the life you have chosen for yourself.

For more tips and tools, see:

Self-Care Tool Kit for Family Visits

Checking Our Internal Narratives Before Visiting Family