Checking Our Internal Narratives Before Visiting Family

Checking Our Internal Narratives Before Visiting Family

With holidays coming, anxiety is mounting for many, particularly for QTPOC folks, stepping into the spaces where our trauma originates- and often still lives. Here’s a tip that you can incorporate (like now) to set yourself up for a (teensy bit) more easeful holiday time. ⁣

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How I Create Safe QTPOC Space Using Trauma-Informed Practices

How I Create Safe QTPOC Space Using Trauma-Informed Practices

Trauma-informed means I meet you where you are, not where I want you to be. I don’t come over and maneuver your body into a yoga pose because that’s the way I want it to look. Rather I trust your body’s wisdom to guide you to do what you see fit.

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Before-and-After Photos of a Self-Care Practice

Before-and-After Photos of a Self-Care Practice

In a society obsessed with the external, with legitimizing every moment with a selfie, the work of self-care can easily take a back seat. Because the work brings up all the feels, and then helps us move through it to a more grounded, easeful place. This work is internal, it is personal, it is hard, it is unglamorous.

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