With holidays coming, anxiety is mounting for many, particularly for QTPOC folks, stepping into the spaces where our trauma originates- and often still lives. Here’s a tip that you can incorporate (like now) to set yourself up for a (teensy bit) more easeful holiday time. Self-Care Tip: noticing and shifting long-held narratives about ourselves. Step 1: Notice
Notice the narrative, that inner voice, those old messages you’ve held for a long time What is the brain saying about who you are/were? Step 2: Check In What parts are still true (this can be nuanced, be open and accepting)? What IS true right now? Step 3: Manifestation Meditation -Take three grounding breaths. -Ask the question, “who am I in this moment?” Let thoughts, images, events, energies gather. Let the energy of who you are NOW (empowered, healing, autonomous) fill you with each inhale. Let the energy spread through your being to your outer edges. -Take three grounding breaths. Repeat this manifestation meditation at least once a day until (and while) you are visiting fam/home/place of origin.