Part of our work together is to help you build a sustaining and consistent home practice of self-care.
Self-care is not about sitting to meditate when you feel like it, going to a yoga class when it fits your schedule. This is self-care for radical change, for transformation. This is self-care for resilience, for social change. This is self-care for radical self-love.
This self-care is mandatory. It is intentional. Thus, it takes commitment. It takes consistency. Like eating every day for your survival, you must tap into your self-care everyday. To survive. And eventually, to thrive.
Over time, I offer you tools such as meditation audio recordings, grounding practices to infuse into your day, and more. You begin to integrate them at your pace. I want to help you develop a self-care practice that becomes second nature, like putting on your clothes every morning, not because I told you to, but because you value it, you value you. This in itself will be a journey towards self-healing and self-love.
The other part of our work together is the weekly sessions. I work with folks for a minimum of three months. Why? So you learn to show up for yourself on a regular basis. So the tools and practices integrate more fully and deeply. And faster! Each week, we do a check-in to see how the self-care tools are integrating into your daily practice. You share your victories (or I point them out to you!). We honor your process and celebrate it whole-heartedly every step of the way.